Concierge services in Megève

Concierge service for chalets & flats

La Stella offers a concierge service in Megève. You can benefit from personalised services provided by the team at La Stella Megève and its selected service providers.

Concierge and stay management

From 500 euros (incl. VAT)/week or 2000 euros (incl. VAT)/year
, (excluding external customers or rental / single property)

La Stella organises your stay before you arrive in Megève (airport and resort transfers, chefs and butlers, restaurant bookings, ski instructors, baby sitter, beauty treatments, last minute bookings, shopping and bakery orders and deliveries, etc.).

The Concierge Service is available 24 hours a day every day in high season.
Response within 1 hour maximum during the day or as soon as possible at night

Day service

Available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Night concierge

Night call centre between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.

Tailor-made concierge services

Our dedicated luxury concierge will help you celebrate a special occasion, organise an unforgettable stay or plan a corporate event. Our hand-picked partners guarantee first-class service, exclusive entertainment options and tailor-made experiences to meet your most demanding needs and desires.

Tailor-made concierge services

Price on request

For any tailor-made request or for the organisation of a special event, we put our network of specialised partners at your disposal to create a unique moment.

Personalised service

Take advantage of the network of specialists selected by La Stella

Additional services

Private chef & butler

Chauffeurs & Transfers

Private ski instructor

Organising meals and parties

Baby Sitter & childcare

Daily cleaning / mid-stay

Multi-activity organisation summer/winter

Personal Trainer

Massage & well-being

Request a personalised quote

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